The Little Boy in the Cave
by Rhonda Gustafson
I’m the little boy
So warm, snuggled up in the corner of a cave
A long journey we have made
My dad builds a fire
As my mother stirs the soup
Safely curled up in my little corner
So loved, so cared for
A moment in time stands still
As I stare into the fire
Resting, so much at peace
I’ve never felt better
This must be Heaven
But I am grown, I must take on more
So I switch roles, I’m the boy’s mother
Suddenly I stand at the fire
Stirring our meal
So little we found on our way here
I can feel the dangers of the journey we made
The dangers that face us
Spending the night in the cave
I fear we can’t protect our little boy
So much stress, I must retreat
Maybe it’s ok
For just a moment
To feel as the boy in the cave
Who feels so safe
Who is so cared for
So loved
Everything will be ok