Secrets of Wilder
“The Secrets of Wilder” by Yogani tells the story of John Wilder, high school athlete, from Coquina Island, Florida. His favorite place is the beach where he challenges himself to tackle the big waves and spends time sitting quietly in the sand. He finds a deep connection and appreciation for the environment around him.
He is invested in exploring the energy he feels moving inside of him, drawing him deeper inside of himself to learn the truth about himself and God. His journey is full of adventure, romance, trial and error, and bliss as he sets out on his mission to encourage others in his community and then the rest of the world to discover their own truth.
Although John Wilder is merely a fictional character, author Yogani incorporates many useful meditation and prayer techniques that’s used by Yogi’s and other spiritual seekers. Techniques that anyone can use to start their own journey to discover the truth of who God is.
Even through the third and fourth times reading this book I felt the energy of i am penetrate into my soul, taking me to the unexplored parts of myself.
This is definitely a must read for all of you who have felt that spark of spiritual curiosity and especially those who know there is a spark but haven’t found it yet.